Friday 22 July 2011

Soooo Close and Diversion

Sooo, I am >>>>>>| |<<<<<<<<<< this close to finally booking my flights!!


any who, it should only be a matter of days until I have done this and then I will feel so much better haha, Im also looking into how im going to be spending my moneyz over there, through the grapevine suggests american express which sadly limits to people with incomes... stupid frickin uni..

however I found a lot of the banks do them as well, whats better is they lock the exchange rate.

as of today US86c!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! overvalued to the max!! im going to check the banks out on monday when they open again haha and hopefully secure myself a nice little overvalued spending money courtesy of financial markets

Now to the important part... Diversion, a nice wee thing the court system has here in NZ, I have all intentions of using mine during RWC2011 for one of two occasions,
a) All Blacks WIN!!
b) All Blacks lose...............FUUUUUUUUUU

hence the problem, although diversion is a means of a "get out of conviction" scheme.. how will I justify its worthiness? I mean I intend to cause a bit of mayhem, nut how much is too much. and to what extent might it keep me from international travel, that is the US...

ooo and my police check which is only a week away from applying for hah

story to be continued......... (Refer to 23rd October 2011)

Thursday 14 July 2011

Flights, Flights, Moar Flights!!

So ive been casually browsing flights from a variety of websites, airlines etc to a somewhat mixed result..

there are cheap flights, indeed cheaper than I thought possible, but they are with crappy airlines, as in, when I'm sitting down there are no movies, no extra food, and probably just water. I mean i'm a student so I know how to live on the cheap but shit. over 24hrs of travel in an uncomfortable seat with little entertainment... reminds me of my last hospital visit.. I would actually prefer hospital of some of these airlines!!

But hey, it's frickin Disneyworld!!!!!!!

anywho, my older brother is getting return trips to belgium and shit cheaper than I can fly to LA, wtf!? belgium is an obscure eurpoean destination, LA is.. well LA! fuck airlines! I may just rage when I get there haha

It's almost cheaper to go to Sydney then to LA than it is to go from Auckland! what has commercialism done!! while everyone is frantically booking, I have been entertaining myself with a few Oatmeal comics regarding airplanes and the sorts (see below), this has kept me mildly entertained as I contemplate all of the shenanigans I could achieve on a long haul flight!

I actually cannot be Fed with Uni at the moment, my classes are to easy and I just wanna go to Disney already!!

links bitches!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

now today..

so today I made this blog after reading everyone elses with the links from facebook haha,

got my passport sussed (looking flash as!) well it had better cause it didn't come cheap
got all my other info in and now just waiting for August to tick over so I can get my police clearance.

I wonder if Driving Demerits count against me....
25 - (2009) passengers on my restricted
20 - (2010) speeding (68 in 50)
and none more.. (thank god speed cameras don't count!.... x5)

otherwise clean as a whistle!

that one thing

faaark my grammar has been average so far... apologies.

so the story goes like this,

I'm filling in some paperwork waiting for my interview while the lady from STB and the other Disney woman looks on, trying to make a good impression I start spinning a good yarn with them..

however it went from bad to worse.. the Dinsey woman (who's name I can't remember) was wearing really high pants and this flowing light top and had quite a plump belly...

I assumed she was pregnant.... I mean she seriously looked pregnant (I can generally tell if someone has had one too many chocolate bars)


she wasn't..... and fuck was that awkward or what, I kept apologising as the two women laughed it off..

but shit, I thought I had blown it then and there.

Disaster Struck (well.. almost)

so my interview was at 4:30 that same day and I had the job of picking up my wee bro from high school, once we got home he nagged me to take him round the corner to the school hostel so he could purchase some illegal laser pointer (those green military ones with a 3km range) of a friend from school, we're driving along and I thought, fuck this.. i'll take a shortcut through a local motel cos' it's quicker, driving through and about halfway a giant gate is locked and there's no access.

As I reverse out my car gets blocked in the carpark by some angry old fella who happens to be the owner... he was MAD as the MAD Butcher!!!
he then went on to swear and go nuts at me and my brother, dragged us into the office and told us to wai there till the cops arrived. will sitting there contemplating how I was gonna talk our way out of it, the cops arrived at 4:35......

of course this guys such a nutter, the cops were laughing on the way up and told us to act like we'd been told off (best cops I've ever met)

anyways by then I figured I was late and wasn't sure whether I should go.. I did in the end (after speeding through the back streets of Dunedin) and arrived 15 mins late only to find that they too were running late and it would all be fine. I felt as though I had aced the interview afterwards.. however one thing weighed in the back of my mind......

In the beginning....

So it all began some day in May... can't remember exactly was strutting strolling through uni, contemplating going to my next lecture and saw this thing about disney or something or other and decided what the hell,
it'll be more entertaining than my lecture..

this seminar was unique, the hosts were very american and the wee films we watched were soooooo cheesy. at the end I thought I'd have a crack, I was over New Zealand, and Dunedin and thought a change for a while would be sweet so I signed up for an interview later that afternoon.....