Thursday 14 July 2011

Flights, Flights, Moar Flights!!

So ive been casually browsing flights from a variety of websites, airlines etc to a somewhat mixed result..

there are cheap flights, indeed cheaper than I thought possible, but they are with crappy airlines, as in, when I'm sitting down there are no movies, no extra food, and probably just water. I mean i'm a student so I know how to live on the cheap but shit. over 24hrs of travel in an uncomfortable seat with little entertainment... reminds me of my last hospital visit.. I would actually prefer hospital of some of these airlines!!

But hey, it's frickin Disneyworld!!!!!!!

anywho, my older brother is getting return trips to belgium and shit cheaper than I can fly to LA, wtf!? belgium is an obscure eurpoean destination, LA is.. well LA! fuck airlines! I may just rage when I get there haha

It's almost cheaper to go to Sydney then to LA than it is to go from Auckland! what has commercialism done!! while everyone is frantically booking, I have been entertaining myself with a few Oatmeal comics regarding airplanes and the sorts (see below), this has kept me mildly entertained as I contemplate all of the shenanigans I could achieve on a long haul flight!

I actually cannot be Fed with Uni at the moment, my classes are to easy and I just wanna go to Disney already!!

links bitches!

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